Sunday, December 20, 2015

What do I need to do before the Carpet Cleaners come?

What do I need to do?
        It's really up to you, the home, or business owner what you choose to do. A lot of people do nothing. They feel they called you, they are going to pay you, and that's it. Everything is left up to the Carpet Cleaner. That's not the best way to do things though. Recognizing that we live in a busy world there are still some things you can, and should do to ensure you get the best possible job. You should schedule the job for when you have time to put a little effort into it. In the following you will find things to do that will make things better for you and the person cleaning your carpets.
        We even made it easy and turned this items, into a check list for you.

                        Check list for Carpet Cleaning!

Check each item on off as it is completed.

1.  _______   Do a  great
dusting job. Don't forget the picture and painting frames, what knots, all the horizontal surfaces, fan blades and don't forget the chandeliers. Remove the cobwebs. Here is a good article on How to dust your Entire house!
how to systematically dust your house. 

2.  _______   Pick up everything that you have placed on the floor that doesn't really belong there and put it where it does belong.
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What can I use Scotch Guard on?

Spraying the Commercial Grade Scotch Guard Carpet Protector!
        Scotch guard is in the business of extending the life of the product to which it is applied. Scotch guard is not only the best way, but it is the only way, to provide the ultimate protection to your Fabrics. Providing secure coverage to all items made from natural, and man made fibers. It is odorless and colorless, it doesn't change the material it is applied to in any way.  Most of us know the use of Scotch guard is great for carpet, and upholstery, what you'll be amazed to learn is that it can be applied to an unlimited array of items, protecting all of them from dirt and stains.
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